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The Path to 2050: NYC's Bold Move with Local Law 97

Updated: May 25

Enacted as part of the Climate Mobilization Act, this bold legislation sets New York City on an ambitious path towards reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. In this blog post, we'll delve into the significance of Local Law 97 and how it paves the way for NYC to achieve its sustainability goals by 2050.

Understanding the Climate Mobilization Act

The Climate Mobilization Act, passed in 2019, is a comprehensive legislative package aimed at addressing climate change on multiple fronts. At its core lies Local Law 97, a visionary initiative that targets the carbon footprint of New York City's buildings.

Key Provisions of Local Law 97

Local Law 97 introduces several key provisions that shape the city's sustainable future:

1. Emissions Caps: The law sets emissions caps for buildings larger than 25,000 square feet, with limits varying based on occupancy and building type. These caps become increasingly stringent over time, pushing for greater emissions reductions.

2. Carbon Trading: To facilitate compliance, Local Law 97 allows building owners to participate in carbon trading. This means that if a building exceeds its emissions cap, it can offset the excess emissions by purchasing carbon credits from more energy-efficient buildings.

3. Incentives for Sustainability: The law incentivizes building owners to invest in energy-efficient upgrades and green technologies by offering financial incentives, such as tax credits and low-interest loans.

The Significance of Local Law 97

1. Emissions Reduction: Local Law 97 plays a pivotal role in NYC's commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. By targeting emissions from buildings, it addresses a major contributor to the city's carbon footprint.

2. Economic Growth: The law stimulates economic growth by creating job opportunities in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable construction. It also encourages private sector investment in green technologies and innovation.

3. Climate Resilience: In a world facing increasing climate-related risks, Local Law 97 encourages building owners to make their properties more resilient and adaptive to withstand future challenges.

4. Global Influence: NYC's dedication to sustainability through Local Law 97 sets a global example for other cities. It showcases that even large urban centers can take bold measures to combat climate change and lead the way towards a sustainable future.

The Path to 2050

Local Law 97 sets New York City on a transformative path towards a sustainable and resilient future. As the law continues to be implemented, we can expect to see a skyline adorned with energy-efficient buildings, green technologies, and adaptive infrastructure. By 2050, NYC aims to have reduced its carbon emissions significantly, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.


Local Law 97 is a testament to New York City's unwavering commitment to sustainability and climate action. It is a bold move that not only aims to reduce emissions but also to inspire other cities around the world to follow suit. As NYC progresses on the path to 2050, it is positioning itself as a global leader in urban environmentalism, demonstrating that ambitious climate goals are attainable, even in the world's most iconic metropolises. Local Law 97 is indeed a remarkable stride towards a brighter, more sustainable future.


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